The Guardian Scholars Foundation seeks to partner with as many accredited four-year colleges across the state of Iowa as possible. Once a college agrees to become a partner institution, they attempt to achieve free tuition, academic year room and board, and a stipend for textbooks through gifts from the Guardian Scholars Foundation, their institution's funds, and state and federal resources. Partner colleges agree to gift a minimum of $8,000 per year, in addition to the Guardian Scholars Foundation scholarship of $8,000 per year, without lowering any previously offered aid in order to cover the cost of attendance. Please note: students are not restricted to attend our partner institutions.
However, as important as financial stability is to a student, the Foundation understands that solid relationships with members of both their academic community and geographic community are just as vital. Thus, the Guardian Scholars Foundation also matches the student with a community member who can provide services such as career advice and mentoring, arranging tutors, and a place to go in emergencies and for occasions such as holidays. Guardian Scholars further encourages the students to participate in extracurricular activities, expanding their support system while in pursuit of their degree.
At the present, GSF is pleased to be partnered with Buena Vista University, Grand View University, and Waldorf College. The Guardian Scholars team is working hard to diversify and expand the program to other universities in Iowa.